Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Seasons/Tropical Storm Nicole

Today we started our section on the Sun-Earth-Moon system. We talked about the annual and daily motions of the Earth and how the Earth's tilt affects seasons. We followed it up by completing pages 73-75 in our workbooks.

The lab we were supposed to do today has been rescheduled for next class. I expect that the inclement weather had many people opting to stay home today. I hope that wherever you are that you all stay safe and that the damage from this tropical storm is minimal.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Solar System

Today we discussed the specifics of the solar system. We talked about some important people (Ptolemy, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Kepler) and their contributions to what we know about our solar system today. We talked about the different components of our solar system (planets, asteroids, comets) and how to classify them.

The assignment for today was to draw a geocentric and a heliocentric model of the solar system. Additionally, you were to make a T-chart to compare the different characteristics of the inner and outer planets of our solar system.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Today we talked about stars - from how they form up until how they die. We also discussed the different properties on how stars are categorized.

The assignment today was the workbook pages 317-318.

I neglected to add the vocabulary for this section in my previous post but it is as follows:

cosmology, big bang, doppler red shift, dark matter, dark energy, protostar, nuclear fusion, apparent magnitude, absolute magnitude, luminosity, solar mass, main sequence, solar system, galaxy, universe, astronomical unit

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Big Bang

Today we discussed the theories of the origins of the universe. The one that is the most widely accepted is the Big Bang Theory. We talked about what cosmology is, the Big Bang, the Doppler red shift, dark matter and dark energy. Then, we did a lab using balloons to simulate what is happening still in the universe as it expands. The lab can be found on page 840 of your textbooks.

Today we also did notebook checks. As I mentioned in class, grades for the progress reports go in at noon tomorrow. If there is something you need to see me about, you must do it before then.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Today, we review SI conversions and scientific notation briefly to make sure everyone understands it. Then, we move on to figuring out which type of graph to use when so that our data is most conveniently displayed.

Our assignment (Graph Lab: Data Presentation) provides six different scenarios of collected data and you are to choose which graph would present the data in the most easily read fashion. Then, you must prove this by actually drawing up a graph for each set of data. Don't forget to add a title, label the axes, choose the proper scales, etc. If a legend is necessary, please include one.

Remember- this is a lab grade. Make sure to do your work properly.

If you did not finish in class you were given the opportunity to finish it for homework.

Have a nice weekend!

Select the best type of graph to present your data and graph the set of data shown.

1.      Which ice cream flavor is preferred in Mr. Nobunny’s science class?
Ice Cream Flavor
Butter Pecan
Cookies and Cream
Number of students

2.      Does Coach Corner’s training method improve baseball skills?
Week of Training
Batting Average
3.       Which television show is the most watched on television?
Television Show
Number of viewers
Family Guy
Comedy Central
The Colbert Report
Comedy Central
Top Chef
Mad Men
Cupcake Wars
Food Network

4.      What were the SAT scores for students attending the University of Miami last year?
Number of Students
SAT score

5.      What were Fiona Apple’s SAT score  her senior year in high school?
SAT score
Month Taken

6.      What was the average GPA in Mr. Oberst’s science class?
1st  9 weeks
2nd  9 weeks
3rd  9 weeks
4th  9 weeks

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Collecting and Presenting Data

Today, we reviewed the first part of collecting and presenting data: measuring. We reviewed the SI measurement system and worked on a few conversion problems. We learned the definition and unit of measure for length, mass, volume, density, time, and temperature.

Afterward, we did 24 problems for review.

Write the correct abbreviation for each metric unit.
1) Kilogram _____   4) Milliliter _____   7) Kilometer _____
2) Meter _____   5) Millimeter _____   8) Centimeter _____
3) Gram _____   6) Liter _____   9) Milligram _____
Try these conversions, using the ladder method.
10) 2000 mg = _______ g   15) 5 L = _______ mL   20) 16 cm = _______ mm
11) 104 km = _______ m   16) 198 g = _______ kg   21) 2500 m = _______ km
12) 480 cm = _____ m   17) 75 mL = _____ L   22) 65 g = _____ mg
13) 5.6 kg = _____ g   18) 50 cm = _____ m   23) 6.3 cm = _____ mm
14) 8 mm = _____ cm   19) 5.6 m = _____ cm   24) 120 mg = _____ g

Then we went over scientific notation (which was review either way) and did 12 problems on the topic.

1. 77 =
2. 120,000 =
3. 86,000 =
4. 3,800 =
5. 7,500,000 =
6. 880 =
7. 8.9 × 103 =
8. 1.49 × 105 =
9. 4.6 × 101 =
10. 3.2 × 104 =
11. 4.536 × 106 =
12. 1.9 × 101 =

You were given the opportunity to finish the assignment for homework if class time did not permit for completion.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, September 13th, 2010

I hope you guys had a nice weekend. 

From the previous class' classwork assignment it seemed that the details of the scientific method were still a little fuzzy for the majority of the class. The classwork was returned and we reviewed any questions that you guys had based on the comments I had left on your work. Afterward, we took a pop quiz on the subject of the scientific method. From skimming through your responses, it seems we now have an overall better understanding of the scientific method procedure.

The classwork assigned for today was workbook pages 2-4 for what I intend to be our final revision of the scientific method. 

I am giving you the opportunity to correct your responses on the previously assigned classwork (the two worksheets about SpongeBob and his friends) as a homework assignment to be collected next class. 

Tonight is Open House; see you there!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Scientific Method

Today in class we discussed the scientific method as a process and described the different steps involved in it. We ran two hypothetical experiments to better understand some of the vocabulary that goes along with the scientific method and know how to perform an experiment properly.

Two in-class assignment were given on the topic (Controls and Variables - Part 1, Bikini Bottom Experiments).

The homework for the class is to design an experiment to test an advertiser's claim on a commercial product. This can be anything that you see advertised on television, on the internet, or in magazines.

The vocabulary for this section is as follows:
accuracy, constant, control, dependent variable, hypothesis, independent variable, law, model, observation, peer review, precision, reliability, scientific notation, Le Systeme International D'Unites, theory, validity, variables

Friday, September 3, 2010

First day!

Again, I apologize for the disarray in the schedule and I intend for us to get on track as soon as possible. Today I asked you to write an introduction essay including the following things about yourself; name, previous school, interests/hobbies, science background, expectations for both the school year and the class, and your short term and long term goals. We also read over the syllabus and discussed the science lab fees ($4 to be paid to the treasurer).

Some of you guys seem to enjoy science and have a genuine interest in the study while others just want to get a passing grade in the class; I'm hoping we can organize our class to please everyone. As I said in class, don't hesitate to contact me with any comments or concerns you have about the class; please address any and all issues with me as soon as you can so that we make sure there is enough time to resolve it.

In case you didn't get it in class, my office hours are 1st period and 6th period. I am also here before school and after school and have given you my email address:

I think it is great that there are so many artists and athletes in the class; we might even be able to put some of those skills to work in the classroom! :)

Everyone seems to want to raise their GPA and graduate high school - here's hoping I can help you accomplish these goals.

It was very nice to meet all of you. Have a great long weekend!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


This blog is to serve as a tool for the students of Ms. Silveira's Integrated Science course at Miami Beach Senior High to stay updated on assigned coursework during the school year.